1999 Toy Fair 1940 Ford Deluxe Coupe

Picture Details
Subject's Name 1940 Ford Deluxe Coupe
Photographer Paul M. Provencher
Dimensions 320x240
Description Gearbox Toys & Collectibles

1940 Ford Deluxe Coupe
Pedal cars seem to be capturing the interest
of more collectors than ever before.  They have
been collected for many years and can be very
expensive.  Gearbox has decided to design a 
scaled down modified version of the real 
automobile pedal cars.  Some of the original
replicas of these pedal cars were actually 
sold as promotional dealer items and are very
rare and expensive.  So we've made them 
easier to collect by making them smaller and
much more affordable than the originals.  
This is another high quality Gearbox collectible.

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